WORK > Well Hung Over

"Well Hung Over" is a series of durational dance performances which reference political incidents in which bars or pubs have played a significant role. At the start of the performance I am suspended from the ceiling by a pulley and held above the crowd by the weight of a full keg of beer. As the beer is collectively consumed, the keg becomes lighter and I descend. The performance ends when I am returned to the ground. The choreography consists of gestures taken from illustrations, photographs, and written accounts of the events in question. There have been several iterations of this performance each in a different city and each with a type of beer. The beers selected are specific to each city/event.

Well Hung Over (After the Broad Street Riot)
Boston Irish Stout, Harness, Cable, Pulley

Well Hung Over (After the Chicago Lager Beer Riot)
Old Style, Harness, Cable, Pulley

Well Hung Over (After the Chicago Lager Beer Riot)
Well Hung Over (After the Chicago Lager Beer Riot)
Old Style Keg, Harness, Cable, Pulley