WORK > Love is a Dog from Hell

Tilted Arc
pencil on paper
22 x 30
pencil on paper
30 x 22
Hot Night
pencil on paper
30 x 22
pencil on paper
30 x 22

“Love is a Dog from Hell” is a series of pencil drawings that reproduce documents represent deadlock and contradictions that have made visible certain logical rifts along lines of sex, race, and class.

Interspersed among these documents are drawings of police and military dogs extracted from their original photographic reference. These dogs are often central to iconic images of police and military power and are used to reassert state dominance over dissenting groups or individuals. The dogs also signify a desire for the comfort of ritual, companionship, and order, the loss of which is often attributed to have put culture in crisis.

The drawings in this exhibition are taken from newspaper clippings and court documents which allude to the legal, bureaucratic or cultural institutions at the heart of feedback loop reproducing these repetitions.